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boss sereies award medals, huge medals with quality printed neckbands

What makes BOSS medals so special? They say "The Wheels Make the Car," well in our case "The Neck Ribbon Makes the Medal". Our array of full color printed stock themed neck ribbons are silkier, longer, wider and brighter than what you will find anywhere else. Select a neck ribbon that's suitable for your event. These novel neckbands simply slip through the slotted bar atop each medal. No hooks, clips or mechanical fasteners necessary!

Customers cried for a big medal that wasn't a budget breaker, and we delivered. A BOSS medal rules with its gigantic girth measuring almost 3.5" tall! It is thick and substantially hefty, with a mirror-like polished finish in a bright gold, silver & bronze. The polished finish and mammoth size puts BOSS custom award medallions in a class of their own.

Boss Medals with Stock InsertsBoss Medals with Custom Text Insertscustom insert BOSS button